Brig. Gen. Lenny Williams, Assistant Adjutant General - Army, and Commander of the Illinois Army National Guard, and Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Kelly, State Command Sergeant Major, Illinois Army National Guard, presents Sgt. Maj. Chad Bell, 404th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade Operations Sergeant Major and Chief Operations Sergeant, with a certificate of retirement during a retirement ceremony Jan. 31 at The Barn at Bull Run Park in Morton.
250131-A-YR062-2821.JPG Photo By: Barbara Wilson

MORTON, Illinois - Brig. Gen. Lenny Williams, Assistant Adjutant General - Army, and Commander of the Illinois Army National Guard, and Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Kelly, State Command Sergeant Major, Illinois Army National Guard, presents Sgt. Maj. Chad Bell, 404th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade Operations Sergeant Major and Chief Operations Sergeant, with a certificate of retirement during a retirement ceremony Jan. 31 at The Barn at Bull Run Park in Morton. Bell served more than 26 years in the Illinois Army National Guard, enlisting just 11 days after his 17th birthday.


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